jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

My Saturday

On Saturday I weak up at nine o’clock, but sometimes, I weak up later because I need sleep.
All Saturday I must help my mum clearing the house. Really, I don’t like it but thanks to my twin sister, I haven’t that much work.
In the morning, the house is for the woman because my father is working.
After there is one have lunch on a typical Saturday I watch television. It do one programme, call ”La Pecera de Eva ”, during one hour, no more time.
In the afternoon, depending the weather week, sometimes I meet with my friends or I study at home but don’t much.
I see one film before I go to bed.
The topic of the film depends on me and my mood. Normally I like comedy films, mistery films or films based on a true story. Finally I go to bed.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011


I think that I’m lucky because I have very good friends. My first friend in Spain was Natalia, at present Natalia is still my friend. She is very happy and dreamy but she is lazy. Her passion is dancing, especially reggeton and bachata. I met her the first day of primary school in the bus.

One year later being in Spain, I was a friend of Elisabet since then we have separated. She is essential for me. She isn’t shy and very studios. She always worries about me.

Last year I met Judith in class, she is also my best friend because she always listen to me and support me. It’s a very special girl and different of my other friends. Judith big when you want to be police.

I met Homa in first ESO. We always laugh a lot together. She and I have a strong character so when we fight nobody gets involved but we always sort out.

Nerea also a good friend she is different but she is always very happy and with a smile on her face. This year, I stay everyday with her. She is a good person.

I also have another her best friend but we don’t speak now. The truts is that I regret the fact that we aren’t speaking because I liked her a lot.

I spent more good and bad times with my friends, and I hope to spend many more. At the moment I’m very happy.


I took art lessons. My teacher was a very Catalan woman, her name is Anna Maria Constanseu, she is 64 years old but she is very good phisically and she is very active. The last year my twin sister and I went to work with her, in primary school of Vilajuiga.

Anna Maria asked permission to do a new cultural project in the village. Lots of people would come to visit the village and Castelló d’Empúries because of this project. Finally the town hall accepted this project, called “The route of the art”. The other year artist came to Galicia and the second exposition the artist came to Cantabria.

This year was the 4rt route of the art; I have been to see all The routes of the arts.This year 78 artists were invited from Catalonia, Madrid and Valencia. The painting and sculptures were exhibited around Castelló d’Empúries. In a Interview Anna Maria said:

“The route of art let the visitors discover this patrimony and spread at the same time art and culture”.

Approximately 5.000 peoples visited The 4rt route of the art. Anna Maria is very proud of this exposition.

I think that this project is beautiful, in my opinion the most beautiful were sculptures and some pictures that seemed photos.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

News 3

Bengal hospital says 12 crib deaths ‘normal’

Thu Oct 27 2011 13:05:25 GMT+0200 (Hora de verano romance) by IANS.

Kolkata, Oct 27 (IANS) As one more infant died Thursday pushing the crib deaths to 12 in two days in West Bengal’s largest referral hospital for children, the hospital said this was not “unusual” as most of the babies were in critical condition.

“In the morning (Thursday) one more baby died, taking the toll to 12 in the last 48 hours. Though the figure may look absurd to the general people, to us it is a normal occurrence. Most of the babies that died were brought here in critical condition,” Dilip Kumar Paul, superintendent of the state-run B.C. Roy Children’s Hospital, said Thursday.

However, Paul added that the medical staff were working round the clock to ensure no more deaths take place.

The state health secretary has sought a detailed report on the deaths.“A probe is on and we will be able to submit the report shortly,” said Paul.

The number of infant deaths Wednesday was 11, and the hospital maintained that the babies died as most were under six months and carried infection and a few were in critical condition.

The latest deaths come after 18 babies passed away in June in the same hospital. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee ordered a probe then, after which the doctors were given a clean chit.

The families of patients are accusing the staff of negligence and are apprehensive of more deaths.

“I am really worried for my child. After seeing so many children die, one is bound to be afraid. It’s the negligence of the staff here which has resulted in the deaths,” said a mother whose six months old baby is undergoing treatment in the hospital.


In Bengal hospital twelve children died in two days. The hospital say it was"normal" because they were sick babies.
Even people think that this figure may seem bad, but babies were sick. Doctors work very hard for don’t die anyone.

They say that dead babies were less than 6 months.
The Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Health Secretary reports sought for to investigate, because in June also died 18 babies.
The baby’s family report a doctors and nurse for negligence.

A mother with her ​​baby in hospital in treatment, said she was afraid for her son.


I think that if something seemed had hapened, they had to be investigated. Because it waste much time, people take advantage. Many babies died or killed, we can asuume also may have lied. In this case they sellled the babies. Even the death of many babies in a third world country, we can’t forget and we do nothing.

News 2

Working with Turkey to help earthquake survivors

On 23 October, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Van in eastern Turkey. The Turkish authorities, the Red Crescent and many volunteers have faced a huge task but have rescued thousands of people.

The European Commissi Turkey has requested family-type tents and pre-fabricated housing to shelter those made homeless. It is very cold in the Van province – at night, the temperature can fall to zero, so the tents need to be suitable for cold weather. Blankets and beds are also needed.on’s emergency response centre was immediately on alert, ready to co-ordinate Europe’s contribution to the relief operations if and when Turkey requested it. Today, we have been asked to join the response and help care for those whose homes have been destroyed by the quake.

Several countries that participate in the European Civil Protection Mechanism have already offered assistance. I expect that in the coming hours, more will join – European countries have already expressed their solidarity so I hope we can be of use in this difficult time when so many are suffering.

This will be a joint operation with the Turkish authorities. In emergencies like this it is important to follow the lead of those who best know the needs and the situation on the ground.

We are also sending civil protection experts and they will be our eyes on the ground, coordinating the delivery of European assistance and talking directly with the local authorities and people.

Turkey has been a great friend in need when other countries were overwhelmed by disasters – last year, for instance, it sent fire-fighting jets to Israel to combat the huge forest fires and earlier this year Turkish doctors and first-aid workers tended for the injured by the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan. More recently, Turkey was a generous host to the thousands of refugees fleeing violence in Syria. So, Turks have shown magnificent solidarity – and now deserve ours.


On October 23, there was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in eastern Turkey. Firefighters, police and other services have rescued thousands of people.
The center of European Commission gave early warning of emergency, to help as soon as possible. They have helped people who have lost their homes because of the earthquake.
They have given special tents and blankets to people who have no home, because for a very cold night. European countries have already offered their solidarity to help in any way possible.
Experts are investigating the area and seeing that they need, they also speak to the press.
In other moments Turkey was very helpful to others countries that had problems with natural disasters and violence as in Syria. So now offer much help.


Turkey will behave well with the countries concerned in a given time, that really helped because now you need help Turkey. The earthquake is impossible to detect before it happens so always catches us off guard. There are old houses that can’t with stand the movement and collapse. The magnitude of the earthquake was quite large, and has been smashed and injuries caused.

News 1

Indian Ocean pirates focus of high-level forum

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Kevin Rudd co-chaired a forum on piracy on the sidelines of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth, Australia.Representatives of the Indian Ocean Rim countries and various stakeholders promoting security in Somalia and off the Horn of Africa took part in the forum.

The forum underlined deep concerns about the threat posed by piracy and highlighted that Somali piracy raised the costs of international trade and harmed the fishing and tourist industries of East African and Indian Ocean coastal and island states.

Participants endorsed the UN Security Council Resolution 2015 passed on 24 October and supported the international efforts to restore peace and stability in Somalia. They also backed the targeted international and regional tackling of piracy.

The forum emphasised the importance of the regional ownership and burden sharing and greatly supported the regional anti-piracy strategy and action plan adopted in Mauritius in October 2010 by the Eastern and Southern African and the Indian Ocean regions.

Minding the legal heritage of the countries involved in the Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting, the participants invited the common law countries to work together in support of criminal justice approaches to countering piracy.

The follow-up event was scheduled for 2012, with Perth as its host city again and with a potential to broaden the scope to include piracy in the Gulf of Guinea and South-East Asia.


In Australia, it attended a meeting where representatives of the EU and detrimental of fishing boat and security to discuss piracy. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Indian ocean to spread security in Somalia and in parts of Africa. Somalia piracy has increased the value of international trade and harms fishing vessels in the Indian Ocean.

The ONG support to international efforts to establish peace in Somalia. It also supported the fight against piracy. At this meeting, said it was important to care for the legal heritage of the countries.


We have to stop piracy in the Indian Ocean because it has affected the fishing activity at sea. Also people are afraid to navigate the ocean, afraid of pirates. If you don’t stop at the end going to believe that the ocean is theirs. I think they would have to take up arms.

Many businesses are affected because they have to carry the fuel to ports. Sometimes for the pirates, the products don’t reach theirs destinations.

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

Oral presentation

Gemma Mengual
View more presentations from Myrna.


My name is Myrna, I’m 15 years old. Today I will do presentation of synchronized swimming but I focus on Gemma Mengual. I do this work because each four years, I see Olympics Games on television. Only I see the synchronized swimming, because I like it.


Swimming more dance is equal to the synchronized swimming.

This sport is exclusive for girls, is considered Olympic since 1984.

The swimmers have to train their legs because they can’t touch the bottom on the pool and they alsotrain their breath for they can in the water more time.


Gemma Mengual born in Barcelona in 1977. Is considerate the best swimmer of Spanish.

Last year she had a child, called Nil, and she has recovered very well. She is 34 years old now.

She discovered the synchronized swimming when she was 8 years old, thanks her cousin Judith. Her parents hadn’t choice so they joined in the Kallipolis club.

In 1992 her coach Anna Tarrés inserted her in her team when Anna saw the qualities of Gemma. Gemma is explosive and great power in her legs and arm.


The Kallipolis club was founded in 1998, sorry, in 1968, in order to be the best team in Spain’s synchronized swimming. The first synchronized swimming team was supervise by Cesar Villegas and Sanvicens. This club was beginning only synchronized swimming, swimming and water polo, but after that, it changed and the Kallipolis club is only for synchronized swimming.


- In the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games was eight in duet.

- In 2004 in Athens, she won fourth as a team.

-Thanks to the results of the European Swimming Championships 2008, Gemma Mengual is the only swimmer in the world which won four gold medals in world championships European.

-Already in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games won four medals.

- Gemma Mengual and Paola Tirados medal silver in the final duet synchronized swimming at the World.



Albert: Why this sport is only for a girls? Why not for a men?

I: I don’t know.

Gianluca: Have you get practice this sport?

I: No.

Youssef: Have you been any competition?

I: No, only I see on television.


My opinion about my oral presentation is that I hadn’t said: ehhhh. I not explain all information that I know, because I was black in oral work. I stayed very nervous but my sister say me that I don’t seemed nervous. This time I was very nervous and I hope I had serve for the next time I’ am not too nervous and do better.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Thriteen & Adrian Mole

Tracy was a good girl, educated and very studious. When she started high school, the boys saw fixed only on one kind of girl. Tracy was Evie’s friend and she abandoned her friends. Tracy began to steal, lie to the her mother and began to take drugs. Evie told Tracy, to do a piercing. Evie was guilty of Tracy’s changes. Tracy changed for many reasons. Adolescence started. Pretty girls mocked her dress. Her parents were separated. Her father ignored her because he was very busy with work. The mother worked but she hadn`t much money. The mother had a drug addict boyfriend.

Evie wasn’t a good model for Tracy.

I think the difference is that for Adrian things went wrong and he tried to change it. However, for Tracy things went wrong but she made it worse. I don’t know anyone who goes through those circumstances.

Tracy was a fashion victim, because he wanted to be the most beautiful and the best.

I think that it is shocking, but the most shocking for me was that she cut her arms.

Summer 2011

I explain the summer of this year. The last day of class we went to have dinner with all companions and teachers, then we went to dance. A week after my friends started to go away. Eli went to study in Sheffield, Homa went to Africa, Natalia went to Germany and Jud was in Vic during a week with a friend.

My parents, my sister and I went on vacations, we stayed one week to Bilbao. It is a beautiful city with some very nice monuments. We visited Guggenheim Museum. We went one day to San Sebastian also, It has a beach and a beautiful river.

In the summer I was with friends that, I hadn’t see during the winter. In Empuriabrava there were many tourists. One night I went out partying with two friends and my sister. We went to a place called “El Salón”, there we met some friends.

In August my sister, a friend and I went to the beach of Roses in the morning. We spent all day at the beach of Roses and Santa Margarita, there were a lot of huge jellyfish.

The summer passed very quickly, it seemed very short and I didn’t want to start class.

It was a great and unique summer filled with laughter, happiness and good times.

The Giraffe

I think that the giraffe is the most beautiful animal in the world. When food is scarce they venture to go in areas with dense vegetation. They prefer areas with plenty of acacia growth. It has a long neck to be able to eat the leaves of the tallest trees, they also eat fruit and grass. The female giraffe has one of the shortest sleep which is between ten minutes and two hours in 24 hours.

Female giraffes associate in groups of a dozen or so members occasionally including a few younger males.

The giraffe has got beautiful colours, they are bright brown and with the sun it turns to in dark yellow.

Their legs are much longer human legs (measure 1,8m approx).

These long legs also makes it easier for them to run short distances at a speed of 56km/h and over long distances a comfortable way to go about 16km/h.

It is a very calm animal and when running, the giraffes are very fast, because they have long legs.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011


Each everyone brings something to eat at dinner, for example a salad, ham, potatoes, shrimps, … So at home we prepare a salad of carrots and apples. My family and I went home for dinner. When everyone was sitting at on the table, we started to eat. At midnight we ate the grapes for good luck.

At twelve o’clock we ate the grapes with twelve chimes. Afterwards we toasted with champagne. The lines telephones are bring for all world.

At the end we had dessert and talked everything. We also called our family for to congratulate the new year and wish them for good luck


jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Invitation for a party

Dear Juliet,

I will do a party in my home. I invite you to come to my party. It’s a Halloween party at the 31st of October. The condition is wearing a fancy dress. I also prepare a bed for you so you can sleep at my house. The party is only for the girls of our class.

You don’t have to bring anything, I have it all.

The party will have music, food, terror film, a lot of games and more things. If you want at the party we can you wake up.

You can send you answer or some question by email: Claire_19@hotmail.com

I hope you will come it, will be a great party.



jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011


Adrian Mole is a boy with lots of trouble in his life. He goes to school and in geography class sits next to Pandora. He is in love with Pandora. Adrian visits Bert Baxter and elderly person. Nigel is Adrian’s best friend. Barry Kent hits Adrian for money.

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011


Christmas is very nice, because the streets are decorated and the homes too. The people are very happy and friendly, everyone goes the shopping. People also go out and watch the decoration of the shops.
The night of 24th I stay with my family and parents’ friends. Now, my family are my parents and their friends. They are called Andrea, Claudio and Marian, they are Argentinian. The best of Christmas is putting up the Christmas tree.
In Spain people celebrate “caga tio” and the three wise men more than Christmas.
In Argentina celebrate Christmas more than the three wise men. Christ

mas starts at twelve o’clock, the most awaited moment.
At Christmas I help my mum in the kitchen. We cook Argentina food, empanadas, meat and the dessert we eat nougat candy.

sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

My presentation

My name is Myrna Gabriela Aparicio. I’m fifteen years old. I'm from Argentina (Buenos Aires) but now I live in Spain (Empuriabrava). I have a twin sister, her name is Sabrina. I have a dog and a rabbit, its names are, Lady and Samy.
I have began batxillerat, and in the future I will go to the university for because studying psychiatry or pharmaceutical but I don't know yet it I can.
In my free time I like go to walking with my friends and paint pictures.
My favourite sport is swimming, but I practise it only in the summer, because I study nine months in the year.
My dream is to go to Cairo because I think is a very nice city and with lots of history. I hope to make this trip someday. I also would like to travel to Argentina to visit my family.
I don't like languages because it is difficult for me, but I like science, it is more easy, I think.