viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Corious events


This event is celebrate in diferent cities of the country UK. One person throw a cheese for a mountain and the participators follow it. The winer is the first in caught the cheese. Is spectacular see it, but is very dangerous, because too many participants can break the legs or the arms.
In total there are four competitions
The place more popular of this event is the coopers hill city, in May.
The mountain have 180 meters of heigh.
The cheese is of 3 kilos, and the marck is Double Gloucester.
The cheese can arrive to 100 kilometers for hour.
This celebration is practiced because they think so who catch de cheese will protect to the fertility.


This competition is practice in the Highland games, in Scotland.
The participants catch a caber tree and then throw it. The comètidors who throw the caber tree to a more distance win the competition.
The thing which more we surpriced is that the participants wear a scotland skirt.
The caber tree have 5 or 6 metres of large, and its weight is the 35 to 60 kilos.
In this competition is very important that the participants are strongs, because the caber tree have a very much weigh. Some caber tree break in its fall.


Gurning contests are a rural English tradition.
This competition begining when the rural people want enjoy it.
The competitions are held regularly in some villages, with contestants traditionally framing their faces through a horse collar .
Peter Jackman became England's best-known gurner, winning the world championship four times.
The jury of the gurning contents are childrens of wathever age.

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