domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Women Won This Time, but Men Are Voting's X-Factor


Studies have shown that most women vote for Barak Obama and the men vote for Mitt Romney. But it’s also true that men are more hesitant.
When it comes to elections, men as a group are more influential because they show loyalty, but women don’t. That is why presidents usually focus more on issues that concern to women, such as abortion.
Paul Kellstedt has some ideas. The associate professor in political science, studies Kellstedt what American men and women want from their government and how that changes over time.
As a group, women tend to prefer bigger government with more health and social welfare programs, men lean toward smaller government that spends less, except in the military issues.
Besides the traditional role of women as caretakers of the family, who live longer than men so they are more likely to rely on Social Security and Medical. Women are more likely to be poor. They are more likely to be single parents struggling to pay for child care, education and medical expenses. Men may feel that many of the social programs are expensive and will not benefit.


Maybe women and men express our opinion different in time to vote for someone as president. Each gender has its problems and concerns. Depending on the ideas that candidates have, we tend to vote for one or the other. In my opinion, knowing the ideas of each candidate, I would vote for Barak Obama, it can also be because Obama represents the middle class families, instead of Mitt Romney who represents wealthy families.


Polls: votación

Binders: carpeta

Welfare: bienestar

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