martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


For me English is difficult, but this year I learnt many things. Although that I learnt more slowly I believe that I have better English.
I compared my first written document with my last written and I saw that it hadn’t many connectors, I used verbs wrong, and I had little vocabulary. Now I have more facility to write a text, but I have to improve. A example is that I know new vocabulary how: truth, starvation, fee, deliver, crops,… Also I leant false friends, it’s useful.
Always I read reading book and I fail exams, I think that I haven’t a good compression but 

now, end batxiller I improve. Is difficult to speak English, although my last oral presentation is better that the first oral presentation. Could be because I studied more the last oral presentation.

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013


On May 9 of this year there was a demonstration in Madrid and Catalonia. Thousands took to the streets to protest and demand the resignation by José Ignacio Wert and to make education reform called Lomce.

One of the themes of the reform is who wants to study in Spanish in Catalonia, will be help by the generality of Catalonia.

They are doing many cuts on very necessary and important. They've always said that young people are the future, but if we complicate things in Spain, these young people will leave to other countries. I think if all goes well the country will haven’t future. It seems that in some years the only ones who can have a good education will be the rich.

Wert is making absurd reforms would have to think about giving up his political position.


Fernando Alonso was born to Oviedo in 1981. It is a spanish pilot speed motoring. Alonso is the fourth winningest driver in the history of Formula 1 with 32 more awards won.
He began his career in 1984 inspired by Ayrton Senna, when his father gave him a kart.
In 1988, seven years, won his first title in an official competition, the championship Asturias child. Because of the changes in status, the family couldn’t bear the costs bringing in racing. But when he was about to leave, the importer marked Genis karts handled funding. He was champion of Spain in 1993 and 1994 as a junior, this allowed him to compete in the World Championship the following year. In 1996 he won the Spain, Italy Summer Trophy, the Marlboro Grand Prix and the Junior World Championships and now is in the highest level.
Alonso is also known as "The Nano" or "Magic Alonso". Currently Fernando Alonso is in the Ferrari racing team.

Formal letter

                                                                                                                                  Sector Bahia 94 A 
                                                                                                                                          4th April  2013
Member UN Comite Human Rights

Dear Mr. Ahmad Amin Fathalla,

I'm writing this letter to explain my worries about child soldiers. There are children who are being used soldiers in some African countries, but we can't to allow it. 

The children need a good education because this it is reflect in their future. Education we give to children minor twelve years old it is in a future the basis all their beliefs and thinking. If we educate their with education stablish in violence, weapons, wars,… They will be aggressive persons and they won't have the good education.

Recruiting child soldiers don’t respect the humans right of children, this occur many countries yet. Although children live in poor countries, they have do life of child. The government should make easier to families for their children will study. We should resolve this problem for do a better world.
Thank you very much for listening to my concerns about the issue of child soldiers.

Yours sincerely,



The theory of multiple intelligences comes to schools for the development of all students. The theory posits the concept of intellectual ability: intelligence is multiple. Intelligent isn’t just someone good at math or language, but also in other subjects.
For Gardner, intelligence has been restricted to mathematic and linguistic abilities. But this concept of intelligence can’t identify "the brilliant chess player, world famous violinist or sports champion". Truly intelligence tests only measure your ability to time and place, but over the years may vary.
The music that made some orchestras of Nazi prisoner’s death camps served the students of that school of Montserrat to study World War II.
For example teamwork works emotional skills of the student, as well as relate to.
Students at this school listen to half an hour to explain and then practice using chess or different strategies. It's a good way to experience the development of capacity.

Comments Blog




Afghanistan: Urgent Need for Safe Facilities for Female Police


They ask the police chief to put separate facilities for women cops to man, but these suggestions in the past had been ignored.
In Afghanistan it’s very common sexual harassment against women. The fact that women are vulnerable to police who haven’t insurance and separate bathrooms.
Since there are so few women cops in Afghanistan is difficult to reach that goal. But this goal would have to meet as a symbol to end the violence of women and for doesn’t discrimination. It does a law against female abuse but isn’t properly applied.
Under the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, women remained largely out of the workplace, including the police force. Normally abuses against women aren’t reported.
The 10 of April in 2013, the Kabul Police Chief Lt. Gen. Mohammad Ayoub Salangi issued an order to all police stations under his command in Kabul province employing women must immediately provide a changing room and toilet separate private by women officers, to promote the welfare of women police.


I don’t believe that nowadays there aren’t separation between facilities for women and men. I think man and woman are the same, because woman is human being also. The government will have more strong laws for security all. Afghanistan is one of the countries where religion and culture out because they believe that women serve only to clean and they are home. A few years ago recognized the human rights of women, eventhough that not all countries are met.


sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Scientists concerned at H7N9 bird flu outbreak that has killed 24 people


There are a virus killing a fifth of those infected in China and the World Health Organisation considers it a serious threat.
A Chinese scientists are worry about flu, called H7N9, is transmitted from chickens to humans, but the worst is that the virus will mutate. If the mutated virus can spread worldwide and the virus can be lethal. And if bird flu mutate, it will be transmitted swift from human to human. The 20% of patients are recovering, the other 20% have died and 60% even still sick.
It is believed that the source of this virus is the combination of four different viruses of ducks. But the flu doesn’t cause disease in ducks and you can’t know what they are sick. Scientists are looking for some solution or flu vaccine.


I believe that we will have learnt to the past and we have look all events of illnesses, how the black plague, Spanish flu, Typhus, malaria and others. For that doesn’t happen so must act fast. These epidemics caused the decline of society. In the century XX, this event will be worse because there are many media transports, and it doing that spreads faster and distant sites. I hope the flu won't spread by other countries, and they will wipe out the bird flu.


Three charged with undermining Boston bombing investigation


In the attack of the Marathon to Boston on April 15, 264 people were injured and 3 dead people. The police caught the two brothers who bring about the attack. The eldest, died in the shooting and the younger man is injured but not seriously. During the investigation it was found a third suspect Phillipos Robel, but not directly involved in the attack. There were also three men who participated in the research, changing the evidence.
The three young Tsarnaev’s roommatesdecided to remove the backpack and fireworks of dorm to help his friend, to avoid problems, according to a spokesman.
The brothers' parents could not believe they would have done that. The body of one of them, who is dead hasn’t been demand. Finally, after a month has been buried in a Muslim cemetery in Virginia.


This event is incredible, when I saw the attack video, I didn't believe it. I listened in TV, the occur all and their life, and I don’t understand how their thinking and their beliefs can change so fast.
All always it reveal, the terrorists, helpers, and others implicated.


Edinburgh trams to carry public from April


The public will have their first opportunity to travel on trams in Edinburgh when enabled in June, but for only the first tranche will be fully completed in 2014. Those people who have made your request to go by tram in advance, make the first piece.
All were eager to see everything, as they were late. A part of the population wasn’t having the structures in favour for a tram, that cost a lot of money. Besides the construction was delayed because of problems and budgets, but thought different scheme to fix the problems.
Mr. Dewar said trams would take 25 minutes to reach the city center compared to the current bus journey 45 minutes at peak times.


To make a tram modernization and upgrading transport, improving access to different sites. Although all don’t everyone agrees, it usually does what the majority vote. But before you begin construction accept the responsibility has to do to be enough money. You can’t start projects but can be finished, and this is the fault of many.