domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

Shark killings exceed 100m every year as humans become the predators


Some studies show that at year 100 million sharks killed. Some biologists call for measures against such acts, because some species may become extinct shark. Sharks are caught for their meat, liver oil, cartilage, and especially their fins. These products are sold in the black market at a high price. Many sharks are thrown into the sea, when you have cut the fins. The U.S. is the country where the crime was committed more. The proposed saving sharks in 2010 were rejected but the organization insists CITES.
The rhino horn is in high demand, and multiplied the killing of rhinoceros. The horn of this animal is in high demand for drugs.


Rhino horn is used to cure diseases, I think that is fine but without killing everyone because they can die. The theme of this evil sharks being killed each year and also multiplies the killing of sharks. We must learn to respect the nature. This well at least have people who care organizations for the environment. I think it isn’t fair and you have to respect all living things.
I look for youtube and found this ad:


Slaughtered: matanza
Depletion: disminucion

2 comentarios:

  1. I think that we have to take care with the sharks because theirs kill people but their don't know what their do. But in the futere is possible that species may become extinct shark.

  2. In my view, sharks should not be killed, because this animal, as the text says, is endangered and I think that to avoid this first people should not buy this kind of animal.

    The worst of it is that the body parts are cut and the sharks are still alive but suffering.

    In conclution, I think that any animal deserves to die or living in bad conditions only for fun, not for need.
