domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013


It's a Canadian horror film co-written and directed by Andrew Muschietti starring Jessica Chastain and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. The film is based on a 2008 short film Muschietti, which captured the attention of Toro. The film was released in cinema on 18 January of 2013.
The film is the story of two girls abandoned in a forest hut, guarded by an unknown spectrum they called Mama. A group of ransom paid by the uncle of the girls, the girls found in the wild. The guy makes it possible for them out of the wild and back to the way before. Because the spectrum that follows girls, the uncle enters temporary coma. During this time the bride's uncle girls look after them. Until the day the spectrum called "mama" takes girls, and the girl goes to get them. The spectrum takes the small child, but the big child stays with her uncle.


The Carnival of Brazil is an annual festival held during the friday to the tuesday before ash wednesday, which marks the beginning of lent, the forty day period before easter. The word carnival comes from the fact that some catholics and christians don’t eat meat for a few days.

The costumes altern from one region to another in Brazil. In the south-eastern cities of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Vitória, there are huge parades organized by the samba schools. The official parades are to be viewed by the public; while little importance parades allowing public participation can be found in other cities. The north-eastern cities of Salvador, Porto Seguro and Recife have organized groups parading through the streets, and the audience participates with them.

It is a festival of six day where a crowd follows the parade through the city streets, dancing and singing. At the same time, in the north-east, Olinda carnival features unique characteristics, strongly influenced by local cultural and folklore events, as frevo and maracatu.

The typical generes of music of Brazilian carnival are, samba enredo, bloco of samba of the Embalo samba and the marchinha, in Pernambuco and Bahia, the frevo, the maracatu, the samba reggae and Axé music.


The internet is a new invention. It exists for all the world, but there isn’t in poor village. I think that Internet can use for communicating with people. Also you know the success in other village or countries, in short time. Internet become in media, that the people use very much.

Actually it is a network that is used for many things, as, to post advertisements to buy cloths, furniture, cars and other things, to search information, to enter in social networks and more.

In Internet you can find tricks, there are many people who get addicted and there are inappropriate pages. This I believe that the negative aspects of Internet.

When I see the negative and positive aspects, I think that it can be used to change the world for the better, but it depends how we use it.
Internet makes our life easy, but I think that it has limits, it doesn’t solve all problems.

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Shark killings exceed 100m every year as humans become the predators


Some studies show that at year 100 million sharks killed. Some biologists call for measures against such acts, because some species may become extinct shark. Sharks are caught for their meat, liver oil, cartilage, and especially their fins. These products are sold in the black market at a high price. Many sharks are thrown into the sea, when you have cut the fins. The U.S. is the country where the crime was committed more. The proposed saving sharks in 2010 were rejected but the organization insists CITES.
The rhino horn is in high demand, and multiplied the killing of rhinoceros. The horn of this animal is in high demand for drugs.


Rhino horn is used to cure diseases, I think that is fine but without killing everyone because they can die. The theme of this evil sharks being killed each year and also multiplies the killing of sharks. We must learn to respect the nature. This well at least have people who care organizations for the environment. I think it isn’t fair and you have to respect all living things.
I look for youtube and found this ad:


Slaughtered: matanza
Depletion: disminucion

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

BJP gears up for polls; targets Congress on terror and graft


BJP president Rajnath Singh told his party that he wants to fight hard to defeat the UPA party, because it is corrupted. He said the party workers had to enter their differences and that they had to prepare for the 2014 elections.
Rajnath Singh criticized the government about terrorism, external security, relations with neighbouring countries (Pakistan and China), corruption and the economy. 
Singh alleged that the government lacked willpower and determination to address these issues.


I agree when someone talks and comes out in the newspapers talking about the misdeeds of politicians. Most citizens don’t know what happens in the world of politics, is this the reason why there are many corruptions and conflicts.
It is good to know what they are doing wrong, this is what allows us to make things better.


Cadre: cuadro
Scrap: troso
Raked: amontonar

Why youths aren't getting tested for HIV?


Each year there are more people between 13 and 24 that are infected with HIV and most don’t know it.
A girl called Taylor was a teenage mother. When she went to see his doctor, she had to ask him to do the test, and the doctor told her she didn’t need it, it was low risk. A few years later to have her second child, she finds out that she is HIV positive, but she had a healthy baby girl. She is responsible for everything, but she didn’t know what risk of contracting the disease was. Now Taylor is dedicated to raising awareness of the disease.

Jon Diggs, a prevention specialist and counselor for the Evolution Project. Diggs works primarily with black men gay, bisexual and transgender community who are affected by HIV and AIDS. These men are hard to talk to their doctor about HIV testing.
Jon Diggs says that it’s important to create a good environment at home to talk about sex. Besides, HIV drugs are very expensive and to pay it you have to be accepted by the health insurance.
Now that Taylor has gone through what you have HIV is to educate their children informing them of this disease, although at first it seemed hard.


It is true that in families or with parents is difficult to talk about sex. I think it is difficult for parents to assimilate that their children are becoming adults.
Sometimes parents, with their believings want their children to do the same as them. Nowadays in society, everyone chooses the path they want to follow, and the children often don’t do the same as parents did.
So do talks in schools on these issues. Besides this will explain everything about sex issues or diseases, to prevent in the future.


Faceless: anònim
Awareness: coneixements
Upfront: honest

Oscar Pistorius "numb" over death of girlfriend


The Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius is accused of fatally shooting his girlfriend, the model Reeva Steenkamp, at his home in South Africa,the morning of St. Valentine’s day. People are surprised because Pistorius is a national hero called Blade Runner for his high-tech prostheses to overcome his inability to compete in the London Games.
The judges believe that if it was a premeditated murder, would lead to life imprisonment.
Oscar's family supports him and his uncle talked to two reporters saying that his nephew is innocent. Oscar and Reeva were very close and loved each other, said his uncle. When his uncle and his sister read the judgment in the court, thay began to cry. Reeva's family is devastated by the loss but supports Oscar's innocence.


I had seen him at the races, and Oscar seemed a symbol of overcoming. Sometimes people surprise us and do things that we thought they were impossible to do. I hope everything comes to light, as if it's good or bad. At the same time this hurts not only Oscar but also the people around him.

Numb: entumecido
Eastern: oriental
Track: hipódromo


Meteor Falls in Russia; Asteroid 2012 DA14 Passes


The meteorite that exploded in the sky, 12 or 15 miles above the earth, is 50 meters wide and weighs 7,700 tons, entering the atmosphere at about 40,000 mph, pieces of this meteorite. There are 1,200 people injured in Russia by the meteorite. When the meteorite fell, people were very scared and not sure what was going on.
Kirit ABC News' Radia, based in Moscow, reports that 20,000 Russian troops were sent to the area to help residents recover.
One scientist said that they had no warning, because they do not have the resources to find tiny asteroids.

Some people think they have to be more attentive to the debris that is in the solar system. Because sending a spacecraft can prevent us from damaging objects. Although in the solar system there are many asteroids that scientists do not know where they are. There are lots of garbage in the solar system that if they entered the Earth, they could cause great damage. It is rare that pieces of meteorite fall in populated areas of the planet, as most of the planet is ocean, fields and mountains.

The Russians believe that the asteroid is called 2012 DA14, but more astrologers say it is solid, and doesn’t shed pieces.

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When I heard this news on the radio, I was surprised. With all the technology out there, I can’t believe that astrologers haven’t said anything before it happened. But something should be done to prevent this from happening again in the future.


Path: carrer o camí

Sobering: crear dubtes

Crew: tripulació


To Save Newborn, Doctors "Freeze" Baby


When Claire Ives was seven months pregnant with her third child, she used a hand held device to listen to her unborn son’s heartbeat. As she turned the machine on, she thought something didn’t work properly, because she wasn’t listening right or something like that. Her son had a heart rate of about 300 beats for minute, nearly double than the normal 160.
When doctors saw the problem of the baby, the mother had a cesarean, although she had 5 weeks more before going into labour. When they took the child, he had a supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), the doctors gave him little chance to live. Supraventricular tachycardia is caused by improper electrical impulses in the heart. This can cause heart failure or affect other organs in the body. Shortly after Edward was born, his heart began again to beat very fast. The doctors tried to give him medication, but they were running out of options. The doctors wanted to try to lower the body temperature to maintain Edward’s organs healthy and to decrease heart rate. Doctors used a blanket of cold gel to lower the temperature 30 degrees, this method worked.
Unfortunately the next day as they increased the baby's body temperature the tachycardia began again, then they lowered his body temperature again. The next day, the doctors began to rise his temperature slowly and he was stable. A month after her husband, Ives and Edward could go home. Edward now lives along with his parents and siblings, but goes to the doctor to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.


Luckily there are people who take care of us, as doctors, they don't surrender. I didn't know this method, I thought both temperature down could be very bad. It is true that you can't maintain a person with low temperature.
It must have been hard to find the mother of your child's problem, but luckily this story ended well. Ives could take his son home and only need to get checked often.


Lowe: baixar
Maneuvers: maniobrar
Blanket: manta