jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Burma: Rohingya Muslims Face Humanitarian Crisis


The Burmese’s government doesn’t give humanitarian aid to Rohingya. Soon the flood season wile come, and they didn’t give food, clothes and any solution to the problem. This situation causes more deaths because of hunger, thirst, illnesses,  …
The government didn’t allow to Rohingya to travel without permission or they pay a big amount of money to the police. Also there are strict restrictions about marriage and the number of people who than can be Rohingya. In Arakan state there is more violence and the government didn’t do anything to control the rape right of the Muslims in Burma.


Lack: escàs
Paddy: camp d’arròs
Purchase: comprar


I think that it is unacceptable, that the government of a country doesn’t look for fast solutions of a big problem. Never have I listened that the government doesn’t allow to enter humanitarian aid. The organization and other people do well to reclaim the Rohingya rights.
I don’t know if this takes place in other countries. I as an individual, I believe Ican do little about it. But I can explain to small organizations so that they do some action about the situation.  


Human Rights is a text which explains all the rights that we have just because we are human beings. Nobody can break our rights, because people consider that if somebody violates this right, we are being humiliate and don’t respect us. Currently human rights are more respected by everybody, although there are exceptional events happening.
They were created to promote social evolution, to raise your and freedom. Also to promote the development of friendly international relation. Ships human rights protect our life and physical and psychological development. This is basic for liberty, peace and justice in the world. With this method the people have to go uprising against tyranny and oppression.
Human Rights are universal and we have thirty right. The ONU looks after human rights.
I didn’t know about right 24, not in all works is accomplished. The article 13 about: “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state, and everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country”; not always is complied. Not it is complied way indirect, because government doesn’t prohibit it but it puts you difficulties. An example of this is in Cuba, because it is a communist state. In other countries the article 13 is fulfilled.